Take a look at a sample status bar:
The 1st pane does not have a border, and is used for panel loading. We are interested in the 3rd pane. It displays the server name, GF75DMO. In PS8, there’s another pane for Time, but server name is still on 3rd pane.
If server name is not displayed, turn it on in Configuration Manager Display tab:
Declare Function GetActiveWindow Library "user32" () Returns long As number; Declare Function GetWindow Library "user32" (long Value As number, long Value As number) Returns long As number; Declare Function GetClassNameA Library "user32" (long Value As number, string Ref As string, integer Value As number) Returns long As number; Declare Function SendMsg2 Library "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" (long Value As number, integer Value As number, integer Value As number, string Ref As string) Returns long As number;Function GetSB(&PANETEXT As string) Returns boolean; &STATBAR = "msctls_statusbar32"; &HWND = GetActiveWindow(); &GW_CHILD = 5; &GW_HWNDNEXT = 2; &MAXLEN = 128; &CLSNAME = Rept(" ", &MAXLEN); &CWND = GetWindow(&HWND, &GW_CHILD); While &CWND > 0 &CLSLEN = GetClassNameA(&CWND, &CLSNAME, &MAXLEN); If &CLSNAME = &STATBAR Then Break; End-If; &CWND = GetWindow(&CWND, &GW_HWNDNEXT); End-While; If &CWND > 0 Then &NPARTS = 0; &CORD = 0; &SB_GETTEXTA = 1026; &RC = SendMsg2(&CWND, &SB_GETTEXTA, 2, &PANETEXT); If &RC > 0 Then Return True; End-If; End-If; Return False; End-Function;
If &XX Then
If &PANETEXT = "MyAppSvr" Then
The server name is returned in &PANETEXT. Compare it to a list of known App Server names. If a match is found, then the user has logged into the App server.As with all external Windows function APIs, if your app server is not NT, set the execution location of this code to client:
You can also read or write into this or other panes on the status bar. But there are some considerations when writing text to it. Please email the author if you’d like to see how to do it.
(This article was originally published on 02/07/02 at www.slerp.com. PSTools version 5,6,7)