The following code declares the Clipboard function:
Declare Function OpenClipboard Library "USER32" (long Value As number) Returns boolean; Declare Function EmptyClipboard Library "USER32" () Returns boolean; Declare Function SetClipboardData Library "USER32" (long Value As number, long Value As number) Returns long As number; Declare Function CloseClipboard Library "USER32" () Returns boolean; Declare Function GlobalAlloc Library "kernel32" (integer Value As number, long Value As number) Returns long As number; Declare Function GlobalFree Library "kernel32" (long Value As number) Returns long As number; Declare Function lstrcpy Library "kernel32" (long Value As number, string Ref As string) Returns long As number; Declare Function GlobalLock Library "kernel32" (long Value As number) Returns long As number; Declare Function GlobalUnlock Library "kernel32" (long Value As number) Returns long As number;Function djSendClip(&STR) Returns boolean; &CLIPOK = False; /* Clipboard format is text only */ &CF_TEXT = 1; /* memory type is global fixed*/ &GMEM_FIXED = 0; /* get 1 byte more than the text length */ &LEN = Len(&STR) + 1; /* get a memory block from global heap , return global Handle*/ &H_GMEM = GlobalAlloc(&GMEM_FIXED, &LEN); If &H_GMEM <> 0 Then /* lock memory address, retrun pointer to memory (same as H_GEMM for GMEM_FIXED) */ &LP_GMEM = GlobalLock(&H_GMEM); If &LP_GMEM <> 0 Then /* copy string to global memory area, retrun long pointer to global string */ &LPSTR = lstrcpy(&LP_GMEM, &STR); If &LPSTR <> 0 Then &B_RC = OpenClipboard(0); If &B_RC = True Then &B_RC = EmptyClipboard(); If &B_RC = True Then &H_RC = SetClipboardData(&CF_TEXT, &LP_GMEM); If &H_RC <> 0 Then &CLIPOK = True; End-If; End-If; &B_RC = CloseClipboard(); End-If; End-If; &RC = GlobalUnlock(&LP_GMEM); End-If; &RC = GlobalFree(&H_GMEM); End-If; If &CLIPOK = False Then MessageBox(48, "SendClip", 0, 0, "Failed to copy to clipboard"); End-If; Return &CLIPOK; End-Function;The following example uses the function above to copy a string to clipboard:
&XX = djSendClip("copy data to clipboard");If &XX Then WinMessage("Success"); Else WinMessage("Fail"); End-If; (this article was originally published on 12/14/01 at PSTools version 6,7)